Tag Archives: exchange

Update from the Washington, D.C. Trip

Students have been very busy since landing in the nation’s capitol Monday morning! They’ve already toured various Smithsonian museums, visited the U.S. Capitol building and Mount Vernon, George Washington’s Alexandria home, and even went on a “ghosts of Alexandria” tour!

They’ve been sharing a lot of great pictures on Twitter, so make sure to follow @BSB_School and @thereseandrews to get live updates on their adventures!

Interested in what students have been learning so far this trip? Then check out BSB’s You Tube channel for some short videos from our students on the lessons they’ve learned!

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Update from the French Exchange Trip

Students visiting Arles, France have been busy soaking up the local culture (and sun!) during their first few days in Provence.

On Tuesday, they visited Domaine Paul Ricard dans la Camargue, the famous wetlands at the mouth of the Rhone river celebrated for salt, rice and its unique culture.

Students toured the marsh lands by mini train, on foot and via bicycle, and even saw a display of Provencal bull running and horse dressage.

Looks like they are having a blast! Check out the trip’s blog for more updates throughout the week and some great photos of their journey so far.

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