Tag Archives: eighth grade

British School of Boston Hosts Annual Julie’s Fund

The students stood eagerly at the edge of the pool, leaning over, cupping their hands around their mouths and yelling encouragement across the water to those swimming.

They high-fived and clapped as students completed a lap in the pool, even hugged those students who were nervous about swimming, but did their laps anyway.

Looking at the group of young students, one would never had guessed that many of them had only met an hour ago.

The students- from British School of Boston and the Dorchester-based Epiphany School– were gathered for BSB’s annual Julie’s Fund, a two-day fundraiser that benefits Epiphany school and the national organization Save the Children.

Julie’s Fund was created to honor the memory of BSB’s founder, Julie Saville, and recognize her commitment to helping others. Throughout the two-day event, students run, swim or complete an obstacle course, collecting money from sponsors to be split between the two organizations. Since the event’s inception 12 years ago, the school has raised more than $250,000.

On Thursday, students from Epiphany School visited BSB to learn more about the fundraiser that helps their school and to give students from both schools a chance to better understand their connection. The visiting students participated in a series of team-building activities with Year 6 classes at BSB, and then joined the classes at the pool, swimming dozens of laps for the fundraiser.

By the end of the visit, it was clear a connection between the students had been made.

“I knew BSB as a school we played in soccer,” said one Epiphany School student. “I didn’t know them as a school that supported us until today.”

Epiphany School is an independent, tuition-free middle school for children of economically-disadvantaged families from Boston neighborhoods. The school features small classes, individualized curricula and extended school days, providing rigorous academic, moral and social instruction.

The school serves 90 students in grades 5-8, providing 12-hour school days, after school and summer programming and a graduate support program. In order to provide these services free of tuition, Epiphany relies on fundraiser’s like Julie’s Fund and donations from area businesses, organizations and individuals.

On Thursday, many of the conversations between BSB students and Epiphany School students revolved around the similarities and differences between the schools and their students.

For BSB’s students, getting to know the Epiphany students was an eye-opening experience that helped them better understand and appreciate why they were raising money. Hearing about Epiphany’s 12-hour school day was a surprise, and a great example of different ways that students in the city learn.

For Epiphany’s students, it was a great opportunity to see another school support the school that many said has changed their lives.

“Before Epiphany, I was kind of going down the wrong path,” he said Thursday. “But since Epiphany, I have become more mature, I take on more responsibility, I have more character. They never give up on us.”

Students in all Year Groups participated in Julie’s Fund and worked hard to raise money throughout the week. Our parents also provided support during the event, helping to count laps of running and swimming and providing great snacks for students after their swims.

Julie’s Fund donations are still being collected, and must be returned the week of March 31. Please encourage your friends, family and neighbors to donate to this important cause!

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