Tag Archives: EF Education First

BSB Students Take Their Learning Abroad

While there is plenty of learning still going on in British School of Boston classrooms this week, many of our students have taken their lessons overseas– joining together with other international schools for some week-long cultural experiences.

Students in Years 10 & 12 are visiting Madrid, Spain this week, staying with host families and learning alongside students from our Nord Anglia Education sister school, International College Spain.

Students from the Spanish school visited Boston earlier this spring, and will now be showing our students around Spain’s capital city.

On Monday, BSB teacher Ms. Rosales reported that students had settled in to their host homes and were busy sharing Boston culture with the Spanish school (and vice versa!).

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BSB also has a group of Year 9 students visiting a school in Arles, France this week. Like the Spanish exchange, the French students came to Boston earlier this year and will now be hosting our students.

The group left Boston Saturday and are now enjoying a day with their host families. On Tuesday, students will visit the French school and begin learning about the culture of Provence.

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Many of our middle school students are also on trips this week. Year 7 students are visiting Washington, D.C. and our sister school there, and Year 8 students are visiting a school in Montreal.

Stay tuned this week as we continue to share updates and photos from the trips!